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All ADW-PAL: 1968-2030

ADW Professor-at-Large ⋅ Dates of appointment ⋅ Field of specialization

AIGRAIN, Pierre ⋅ 1967-73 ⋅ Electrical engineer and physicist

ALDOUS, David ⋅ 2004-10 ⋅ Statistician

ALLEGRE, Claude ⋅ 1987-93 ⋅ Geological scientist

ANGIER, Natalie ⋅ 2006-12 ⋅ Science writer and journalist

ANTONIONI, Michelangelo ⋅ 1981-87 ⋅ Film director

ARIGONI, Duilio ⋅1980-86 ⋅ Organic chemist

ARKANI-HAMED, Nima ⋅ 2013-19 ⋅ Physicist

ARON, Raymond ⋅ 1965-71 ⋅ Journalist

ASHBY, Sir Eric ⋅ 1966-72 ⋅ Botanist and educator; Lord Ashby (1974)

AVINERI, Shlomo ⋅ 1978-84 ⋅ Political scientist

BAL, Mieke ⋅ 1998-04 ⋅ Cultural analyst

BALOG, James (Humanities)⋅ 2020-26 ⋅ Environmentalist, scientist, photographer, and filmmaker

BARON-COHEN, Simon ⋅ 2010-16 ⋅ Psychologist and autism researcher

BAXANDALL, Michael ⋅ 1982-88 ⋅ Art historian

BECKLES, Sir Hilary (Humanities) ⋅ 2022-28 ⋅ Vice-Chancellor, University of the West Indies-UWI

BEHRENDS, Okko ⋅ 2003-09 ⋅ Law historian

BERENBAUM ’80, May (Life Sciences) ⋅ 2021-27 ⋅ Entomologist and organismal biologist

BERRY, Michael ⋅ 1994-00 ⋅ Physicist

BIGGS, Peter ⋅ 1988-94 ⋅ Veterinary scientist

BILLINGTON, David ⋅ 1987-93 ⋅ Civil engineer

BING, Xu (Arts)⋅ 2015-23 ⋅ Artist

BORLAUG, Norman E. ⋅ 1982-88 ⋅ Plant scientist

BOULDING, Kenneth E. ⋅ 1973-79 ⋅ Economist

BRAHIMI, Lakhdar ⋅ 2008-13; 2013-15 ⋅ Diplomat

BROWN, Howard M. 1972-78 Music historian

BUTLER, Judith 2003-09 Cultural analyst

CANDELA, Felix 1969-75 Architect

CAPARRÓS, Martín (Humanities) 2019-25 Writer and journalist

CARSON, Anne 2010-16 Writer, poet and essayist

CARTER, Elliott 1967-71 Composer

CHARTIER, Roger 1996-02 Cultural historian

CHOAY, Francoise 1986-92 Historian of architecture and city planning

CIXOUS, Hélène 2008-14 Writer, feminist and literary theorist

CLEESE, John (Arts) 1998-06 Writer and actor

CONE, Edward T. 1979-85 Composer, pianist and musicologist

COSIO VILLEGAS, Daniel 1965-71 Historian

COX, Sir David 1983-89 Statistician

CRAVIOTO, Joaquin 1975-81 Pediatrician and nutritionist

DE GENNES, Pierre-Gilles 1977-83 Physicist

DELANO, Jack 1991-97 Artist and film maker

DEVORET, Michel (Physical Sciences) 2023-29 Physicist

DERRIDA, Jacques 1982-88 Philosopher and literary critic

DIACONIS, Persi 1992-97 Mathematical statistician

DIENER, Theodor O. 1979-82 Plant pathologist

DOBSON, Andrew 2016-22 ⋅ Ecologist, wildlife disease specialist and conservationist

DOCTOROW, Cory (Arts) ⋅ 2024-30 Science fiction writer, technology blogger and activist

DONIGER, Wendy 1989-95 Historian of religions

DOVER, Sir Kenneth 1983-89 Classicist, educator

DREZE, Jacques 1971-77 Economist

DuBOIS, Cora 1971-77 Anthropologist

DWORKIN, Ronald M. 1975-81 Professor of jurisprudence

EIGEN, Manfred 1965-76 Physical chemist

ELLENBERG, Jordan (Physical Sciences) 2019-25 Mathematician and writer

ERNST, Richard 1996-02 Physical chemist

EUSTIS, Oskar  (Arts)2020-26 Artistic Director, The Public Theater

FÖLLMER, Hans 2008-14 Mathematician

FORSYTHE, William 2009-15 Choreographer and dancer

FRYE, Northrop 1969-75 Literary critic

GARWIN, Richard L. 1982-88 Physicist

GOLDSWORTHY, Andy 2000-06; 2006-08 Sculptor

GOODALL, Jane 1996-2002 Primatologist

GOMBRICH, Sir Ernst 1970-76 Art historian

GOMORY, Ralph E. 1970-76 Mathematician

GORLA, Gino 1966-72 Professor of Comparative Law

GOVAERTS, Bram (Life Sciences) 2019-25 Life scientist

GREENGARD, Paul 1981-87 Neurophysiologist

GUTTMAN, Louis 1972-78 Sociologist

HALL, Sir Peter 1980-82 Theater director

HARRAR, J. George 1971-77 Biologist and agricultural scientist

HEILBRON, John L. 1984-90 Historian of science

HERSHMAN, Lynn 2004-10 Digital artist

HILLIS, David 2013-19 Evolutionary biologist

HRDY, Sarah Blaffer 2011-17 Anthropologist

HOBSBAUM, Eric J. ⋅ 1976-82 ⋅ Historian

HOGWOOD, Christopher ⋅ 2012-14 ⋅ Conductor and musician

HÖLLDOBLER, Bert ⋅ 2002-08 ⋅ Zoologist

HOYLE, Sir Fred ⋅ 1972-78 ⋅ Astrophysicist

JEMISON, Mae ⋅ 1999-2005 ⋅ Engineer, physician and astronaut

JOHNSON, Barbara ⋅ 1988-94 ⋅ Literary critic

JONES, Tayari (Humanities) ⋅ 2019-25 ⋅ Novelist

KAC, Mark ⋅ 1965-71 ⋅ Mathematician and physicist

KARLIN, Samuel ⋅ 1975-81 ⋅ Mathematician and statistician

KHORANA, H. Gobind ⋅ 1974-80 ⋅ Biochemist

KON, Igor S. ⋅ 1989-95 ⋅ Sociologist and ethnologist

KRIPKE, Saul A. ⋅ 1977-83 ⋅ Philosopher

KULKARNI, Shri ⋅ 2007-13 ⋅ Astronomer

KUSPIT, Donald ⋅ 1991-97 ⋅ Art critic

LATOUR, Bruno ⋅ 2015-21 ⋅ Philosopher and sociologist

LEAKEY, L.S.B. ⋅ 1966-72 ⋅ Archaeologist and paleontologist

LE ROY LADURIE, E. ⋅ 1980-86 ⋅ Historian

LEVERTOV, Denise ⋅ 1992-97 ⋅ Poet and critical writer

LEVINE, Raphael D. ⋅ 1989-95 ⋅ Chemical physicist

LEVITSKY, Steven (Social Sciences) 2018-24 Political scientist

LEWIS, Bernard 1984-90 Islamist

LINDAUER, Martin 1976-82 Sociobiologist

LLOYD, Geoffrey E.R. 1990-96 Classical scientist and philosopher

LOVAZ, Laszlo 1981-87 Mathematician

MACDONALD, David W. 1998-04 Mammalogist and behavioral ecologist

MARKER, Laurie 2013-19 Wildlife conservationist and cheetah specialist

MARSALIS, Wynton (Arts) 2015-22 Pulitzer Prize and Grammy award-winning jazz musician and composer

MARTONOSI, Margaret ⋅ 2016-22 ⋅ Computer scientist and electrical engineer

MARSHALL, Geoffrey ⋅ 1985-91 ⋅ Political scientist

MASSIAH ’77, Louis (Arts) 2024-30Interdisciplinary filmmaker and film producer

MAZRUI, Ali A. ⋅ 1986-92 ⋅ Africanist and political scientist

McCLINTOCK, Barbara ⋅ 1965-74 ⋅ Geneticist

McDONOUGH, William A. ⋅ 1999-2005 ⋅ Architect

McFALL NGAI, Margaret ⋅ 2011-17 ⋅ Microbiologist

McNEELY, Jeffrey ⋅ 2009-15 ⋅ Conservationist

MEDAWAR, Sir Peter ⋅ 1965-71 ⋅ Biologist

MESKELL, Lynn (Social Sciences) ⋅ 2019-25 ⋅ Antropologist and archaeologist

MITCHELL, Juliet ⋅ 1993-99 ⋅ Psychoanalyst and feminist theorist

MORRISON, Toni ⋅ 1997-2003 ⋅ Novelist

MOSSE, George ⋅ 1993-98 ⋅ Historian

MYERS, Norman ⋅ 1990-96 ⋅ Ecologist

NAKANE, Chie ⋅ 1975-81 ⋅ Social anthropologist

NASR, Seyyed Hossein ⋅ 1991-97 ⋅ Islamist

O’BRIEN, Stephen J. ⋅ 1999-2005 ⋅ Geneticist

PANOFSKY, Wolfgang K.H. ⋅ 1988-94 ⋅ Physicist

PAZ, Octavio ⋅ 1972-74 ⋅ Essayist and poet

PESKIN, Charles ⋅ 2004-10 ⋅ Mathematician

PINGREE, David ⋅ 1995-2001 ⋅ Historian of science

PRESS, Frank ⋅ 1993-99 ⋅ Geophysicist, science and technology advisor

PRETTY, Jules ⋅ 2001-07 ⋅ Sustainable agriculture ecologist

PUTNAM, Keri  (Arts) ⋅ 2018-24 ⋅ Former CEO of Sundance Institute

QUAKE, Stephen (Life Sciences) ⋅ 2018-24 ⋅ Bioengineer and Co-President of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub

RABINOVICH, Itamar ⋅ 1997-2003 ⋅ Historian of the Middle East and diplomat

RESTREPO, Laura ⋅ 2007-13 ⋅ Author, journalist and activist

REVKIN, Andrew ⋅ 2013-19 ⋅ Non-fiction science and environmental writer

RICH, Adrienne ⋅ 1981-87 ⋅ Poet

RICKFORD, John (Social Sciences) ⋅ 2017-23 ⋅ Linguist

RILEY, Denise ⋅ 2008-14 ⋅ Poet, philosopher and literary scholar

RINGWOOD, Alfred E. ⋅ 1974-80 ⋅ Geochemist

ROGER, Jacques ⋅ 1974-80 ⋅ Historian of science and literature

ROTHENBERG, Ellen (Life Sciences) ⋅ 2021-27 ⋅ Immunologist

ROWLINSON, John S. ⋅ 1990-96 ⋅ Chemist

De ROMILLY, Jacqueline ⋅ 1974-80 ⋅ Classicist

ROMMETVEIT, Ragnar ⋅ 1977-83 ⋅ Psychologist

ROSENBLUTH, Marshall N. ⋅ 1976-82 ⋅ Plasma physicist

RUTTER, Sir Michael L. ⋅ 1985-91 ⋅ Child psychiatrist

SACHS, Albie ⋅ 2012-18 ⋅ Attorney and judge

SACKS, Oliver ⋅ 2000-06 ⋅ Physician and writer

SAINATH, P. (Palagummi) (Social Sciences) 2024-30Writer, journalist and activist

SALA, Osvaldo 2004-10 Ecologist

SCOTT, James ⋅ 2010-16 ⋅ Anthropologist and political scientist

SCHECHNER, Richard ⋅ 1999-05 ⋅ Performance analyst and director

SCHRIEFFER, J. Robert ⋅ 1969-75 ⋅ Physicist

SEEGER, Anthony ⋅ 1993-99 ⋅ Ethnomusicologist

SEN, Amartya K. ⋅ 1978-84 ⋅ Economist

SHAW, Margery W. ⋅ 1982-88 ⋅ Geneticist, physician and attorney

SHORT, Roger ⋅ 2001-07 ⋅ Reproductive physiologist

SILAJDZIC, Haris ⋅ 1998-04 ⋅ Political leader and historian of the Middle East

SIMS, Lowery Stokes ⋅ 2005-11 ⋅ Art curator

SINGLETON, Charles ⋅ 1965-71 ⋅ Dante scholar

SKIDELSKY, Robert (Lord) ⋅ 2010-16 ⋅ Political scientist and economic historian

SKOCPOL, Theda (Social Sciences) ⋅ 2015-23 ⋅ Sociologist and political scientist

SOLNIT, Rebecca ⋅ 2009-15 ⋅ Writer

SOMAYA, Brinda (Arts) ⋅ 2017-2023 ⋅ Architect

SOUTHWOOD, Sir Richard ⋅ 1985-91 ⋅ Biologist

SRINIVAS, M.N. ⋅ 1970-76 ⋅ Anthropologist

STAVINS ’80, ROBERT (Social Sciences) ⋅ 2023-29 ⋅ Professor of Energy and Economic Development

STERN, J. Peter ⋅ 1976-82 ⋅ Germanist

STEVENSON, David J. ⋅ 2015-21 ⋅ Planetary Scientist

SUBRAHMANYAM, Sanjay ⋅ 2002-08 ⋅ Economist and economic historian

SWAMINATHAN, M.S. ⋅ 1989-95 ⋅ Natural ecologist

SZARKOWSKI, John ⋅ 1983-89 ⋅ Photographer and curator (Museum of Modern Art)

THAPAR, Romila ⋅ 1979-85 ⋅ Historian

THORNE, Kip S. ⋅ 1986-92 ⋅ Astrophysicist

TIBI, Bassam ⋅ 2004-10 ⋅ Islamologist

TOBIAS, Phillip V. ⋅ 1996-2002 ⋅ Paleoanthropologist

UPSHAW, Dawn (Arts) ⋅ 2020-26 ⋅ Grammy award-winning soprano

VENTER, J. Craig ⋅ 2003-09 ⋅ Geneticist

WEHNER, Rudiger ⋅ 1987-93 ⋅ Zoologist and behavioral neurophysiologist

WELTY, Eudora ⋅ 1984-90 ⋅ Novelist and short story writer

WASSERSTEIN, Wendy ⋅ 2005-06 ⋅ Playwright

WATTS, Duncan ⋅ 2013-19 ⋅ Network scientist and researcher (Microsoft)

WIEMAN, Carl (Physical Sciences) ⋅ 2019-25 ⋅ Nobel Prize-winning physicist

WILKINSON, Elizabeth M. ⋅ 1967-73 ⋅ German literature

WILSON, Mabel O. (Physical Sciences) ⋅ 2022-28 ⋅ Architect, designer and scholar

WILSON, William J. ⋅ 1994-98 ⋅ Sociologist

dE WIT, Cornelius T. ⋅ 1977-83 ⋅ Agricultural scientist

WOOLHOUSE, Harold W. ⋅ 1983-89 ⋅ Biologist

VON WRIGHT, Georg Henrik ⋅ 1965-77 ⋅ Philosopher