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Immunogenomics Symposium

September 30, 2022 at 9:00 am
College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University


Breakfast: 8:15-8:45am

Introductory remarks – 8:45-9:00am
Praveen Sethupathy (CVG Director, Professor, Cornell BMS)

Session 1: Chair – Avery August (Deputy Provost, HHMI Professor, Cornell M&I)
Soumya Raychaudhuri (Broad): 9:00-9:40am
Michael Brusilovsky (Marc Rothenberg lab, Cincinnati Children’s): 9:40-10:20am
Laura Dunn (Baines lab, Cornell M&I): 10:20-10:35am

Coffee break: 10:35-11:05am

Session 2: Chair – Ilana Brito (Assistant Professor, Cornell BME)
Wendy Garrett (Harvard): 11:05-11:45am
Martin Strazar (Ramnik Xavier lab, Broad): 11:45am-12:25pm
Madhav Mantri (De Vlaminck lab, Cornell BME): 12:25-12:40pm

Poster session and lunch: 12:40-2:00pm

Session 3: Chair – Anushka Dongre (Assistant Professor, Cornell BMS)
Golnaz Vahedi (Penn): 2:00-2:40pm
Yvon Woappi (Columbia): 2:40-3:20pm
Jason Chobirko (Feschotte/Grimson labs, Cornell MBG): 3:20-3:35pm

Refreshments break: 3:35-4:00pm

Keynote: Chair – Gary Koretzky (Vice Provost for Academic Integration, Co-Director Center for Immunology, Cornell M&I)
Ellen Rothenberg (Caltech, Cornell A.D. White Professor-at-large): 4:00-5:00pm

Poster awards and reception: 5:00-6:00
Brian Rudd (Associate Professor, Cornell M&I)

This event is co-hosted by the  Center for Immunology, the  Center for Vertebrate Genomics, and the Provost’s  Genome Biology Task Force.

Ellen Rothenberg is participating as part of an A.D. White Professor-at-Large mini visit.