Theda Skocpol

April 8-12, 2024
“Pushing Against Jim Crow: The Amazing World of African American Fraternal Orders”
Tuesday, April 9, at 8:30-10:00am
398 Uris Hall
Open to all. Breakfast provided.
Presentation by Professor-at-Large Theda Skocpol on African American fraternal orders, Civil War to 1960s. Q&A to follow.
Host: David Bateman (Associate Professor, Dept. of Government)
“Rising Threats to U.S. Democracy — Roots and Responses”
An ADW Professors-at-Large keynote public event
Tuesday, April 9, at 4:00pm
Lewis Auditorium, Goldwin Smith Hall
Reception to follow in Klarman Atrium. Open to all.
Cosponsored by Dept. of Government
“American Democracy Challenges in Comparative Perspective”
Wednesday, April 10, at 2:30-3:45pm
Institute for European Studies
G08 Uris Hall
Open to all.
A.D. White Professor-at-Large Theda Skopol in conversation with Einaudi Center faculty Mabel Berezin (Director, IES), Ken Roberts (DTR and LACS), and Rachel Beatty Riedl (Director, Einaudi Center and DTR).
Hosted by the Institute for European Studies (IES) in collaboration with the Democratic Threats and Resilience Initiative of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies.
Suzanne Mettler (John L. Senior Professor of American Institutions, Dept. of Government) serves as faculty host.
Laura Tach (Professor of Public Policy & Sociology, Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy) serves as faculty co-host.